My favorite books
"Brave New World"
(1931) by Aldous Huxley
"Fahrenheit 451"
(1953) by Ray Bradbury
"Die Leiden des jungen Werther"
(1774) by Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
"Death of A Salesman"
(1949) by Arthur Miller
"Der Richtplatz"
(1986) by Tschingis Aitmatow
"The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy"
(1979) by Douglas Adams
(1981) by Stefan Heym
"Mein Name ist Rot"
(1998) by Orhan Pamuk
"Die vierte Hand"
(2001) by John Irving
"Veronika beschließt zu sterben"
(1998) by Paolo Coelho
"Die unerträgliche Leichtigkeit des Seins"
(1984) by Milan Kundera
"Willkommen in Wellville"
by T. C. Boyle (1993)
"The Clash of Civilizations and the Remaking of World Order"
(1996) by Samuel P. Huntington
(1999) by J. M. Coetzee
"Schmetterling und Taucherglocke"
(1997) Jean-Dominique Bauby
"Tagebuch der Armut"
(1960) Carolina Maria de Jesus
"Der Baron auf den Bäumen"
(1957) by Italo Calvino
"Licht im August"
(1932) by William Faulkner
"Die Form des Wassers"
(1994) by Andrea Camilleri
"Glennkill: Ein Schafskrimi"
(2005) by Leonie Swann
"Das andere Kind"
(2009) by Charlotte Link
(2005/2006) by Yu Hua
"St. Ives"
(1896/1897) by Robert Louis Stevenson
"Der Circle"
(2014) by Dave Eggers
// i'm not that fast when it comes to reading :[